Title I Program

Title I is a federally funded program that supports schools whose enrollments include a percentage of economically disadvantaged students.  Lakeville Elementary qualifies for Title l funds.

At Lakeville, these funds help to provide additional academic supports such a Math Recovery and literacy interventions. Oxford Community Schools is fully committed to helping your children succeed academically and socially. Your support and partnership are necessary in helping your child develop the knowledge and skills need to be successful.

Under the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) which provides guidelines for Title l schools, please be advised that you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher. In addition, if your child is working with a paraprofessional in a Title l building/program, you may also request information regarding this staff member’s credentials. 

If you would like to obtain information regarding the professional qualifications of the above staff members, please contact our Human Resource Department at 248.969.5090 or 248.969.5029.